Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Transition Computers to the Mind

Transition Computers to the Mind

How well do you think? How fast can you type on a keyboard? Are you physically disabled or mentally impaired? How would you like to have a computer interpret the answers to these questions before you do? This scenario sounds like science fiction but is now a reality, thanks to a marvelous device. NeuroSky of San Jose, California has had a miraculous breakthrough in a technology that can monitor your brain waves. The device can enhance your ability to interact with electronic devices and computers.

    At the Game Developers Conference in 2008, many attendees had a chance to try on the device for the first time. Compared to the alternative, a brain implant device that is permanent, NeuroSky has given back your body a mind of its own. In a demonstration of the pilot device "MindSet", many attendees of the Conference were able to test their abilities to think. With the device attached to their heads, they had instructions given to them on how to use the device without thinking about it. To accomplish this they could use simple actions to relate to consequences. For example; when you get excited, this indicates a yes and when you are relaxed, this indicates a no.

    The mechanisms involved in creating this type of a device require science that is on the cutting edge of technology. Silicon, copper, microchips, and micro censors, tightly woven around your head giving you the ability to manipulate a digital environment. This will help all humankind to realize new potentials of their mental capacity by exercising and relaxing the brain. Eventually, by creating focus and having a basic willingness to succeed you will create an improvement overall mentally.

Today, individuals can be quadriplegic, yet they have intelligence that is far superior to yours or ours. Stephen Hawking is the most recent primary example to make national headlines because of his research in physics. On the other hand, there is an Ocala, resident business owner named Shawn Mims. He has the same situation and has a Bachelors Degree. His business, Space World PC, LLC would become a mega seller if he were able to do the things that we can do. Overall, this platform of technology would provide him with the ability to control his computers as we do.



Madrigal, A. (2008, February 22). Gallery: The Hard Science Behind Videogame Technologies. Message posted to

NeuroSky Inc. (2008). Contact Us. In NeuroSky's Corporate Address [City of Residence]. Retrieved September 13, 2008, from

NeuroSky Inc. (n.d.). MindSet™ (Commercial Neural Headset). In

[Technology operation]. Retrieved September 13, 2008, from

Holmes, W. (2007, July). (cover story). Futurist, 41(4), 41-46. In Expanding the Human Mind [The Future of the Brain.]. Retrieved September 13, 2008, from Education Research Complete database.:

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