Monday, September 08, 2008

Week 10 Discussion Assignment – Robert Perry

Letter from Chris after getting off the phone with Aretha Washington


Chris Walker

1652 E. Main Street Suite 150

St. Charles, Illinois 60174

September 8, 2008

Daniel Negreanu

Human Services

Staff-Temps International

1652 E. Main Street Suite 150

St. Charles, Illinois 60174

Dear Mr. Negreanu:

    I have just gotten off the phone with Aretha Washington and the company she represents has an urgent need for a Temp today within 15 minutes. I would personally like to suggest we send Alfred Reed or Tom Jones. I have sent you their contact information in the company portal. They are both on-call and either one will make a good replacement for the person whom I sent there this morning. Please inform me as soon as you have additional information for me regarding this matter. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.



Chris Walker

Employment Counselor



Letter to Aretha Washington after hearing availability of Temp.


Chris Walker

1652 E. Main Street Suite 150

St. Charles, Illinois 60174

September 8, 2008

Aretha Washington

Human Resources Director

Tiger Electronics

645 N Michigan Ave

Chicago, Illinois 60611

Dear Mrs. Washington:

    We have another temporary personnel staff member available and in route to your location. Please accept my apology for the incontinence that this mistake has caused you. You had every right to be displeased with this situation and I take full responsibility for this. I will see to it that this does not happen again, and to do so I will be compensating you for today and tomorrow's employee cost.



Chris Walker

Employment Counselor



Discussion Assignment Week 10

  1. How well was the customer call handled? Explain.
    1. The customer call was not handled, as it should have been. Mark made several critical mistakes that a hardened corporate executive would have known better than to have made. Mark should have not taken on the responsibility after just having been in an accident. Mark's focus was outside the workplace and his stress levels were high.
  2. What should you have done differently?
    1. Mark should have gone to his boss before returning to his office and asked for some assistance with his workload. After going to the boss, he should have checked the company web portal to see the stats of his Temps. The data for this Temp no showing up to the job site would document this already and there may have been some correspondence about it.
  3. Do you believe that Aretha was justified in how she treated you? Explain.
    1. Aretha was justified but her demeanor was typical of someone that is stressed. She herself could have been a little more considerate of Mark's feelings and realized that Mark is a human. Her boss because of this incident may have just yelled at Aretha.
  4. How do personal problems or priorities sometimes affect customer service?
    1. Personal problems affect the ability to perform given tasks because they are a sidetrack. Sidetracks are deterrents from the priorities set forth by daily routines. When you bring your personal life into the stress of the workplace environment, there is too much distraction from the focus of work.


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